Friday, August 1, 2008

sitting, hoping, thinking, praying

So do you ever have those moments where you just feel peaceful? Right now I'm at Flying Star off of Rio Grande and for a a brief 15 minutes, it was so quiet with a breeze blowing, no one else on the patio, and the calm of the early morning at hand. Of course that's kind of over now but as I sat reading my Bible it was one of those times where you hope you can carry that sense of relaxation throughout the rest of the day. That feeling that you don't have care in the world as looking at the trees move in the breeze you can think of how that is like God: even though you may not see Him, He's there and He will NEVER leave you no matter how hectic your life is. Aside from the flies buzzing around (which even that adds to the sense of outdoorsy relaxation in a weird way), it so serene that I'm actually somewhat happy that I had to be here by 7 for breakfast with one of my girls.

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