Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Don't worry..about a thing...'cuz every little thing is gonna be alright

So these past three days have seriously been doozies, but just today as I was kind of in the middle of a breakdown feeling as if I had nothing to lean upon anymore as it seemed like all of my friends either had too much on their plates right now or they just were being really distant. Not to mention my commissioning got canceled for tonight, so I was super discouraged about that too. Well, I went to my prayer warriors at the front desk and after they prayed for me, I went to talk to a friend of mine and as I was talking to her, my eyes were opened to how I was like Peter when Jesus walked on water and when he tried to join Him, he looked around and freaked out. I realized that these last few days I've been "looking around and freaking out", but that time with Peter was followed with Jesus immediately reaching out His hand to save him. God truly did that to me today and it was like all of a sudden all was better and all of the situations I was going through I was able to see through His eyes. It was really hard and my eyes are blood shot from crying but it was totally worth it. I've been learning a lot of hard lessons lately, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

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