Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Roller Coaster Continues

For anyone who has been a Christian for any length of time, it almost becomes expected that after a huge spiritual high or intense spiritual moments, you will get attacked. I have had a couple of really awesome spiritual highs this past week and therefore I was basically just waiting for me to get it. Well, this past Thanksgiving and today I got it. I got hammered with an intense cold that took me out of commission for about 4 days straight, which it sucked, but I knew it would soon pass, today on the otherhand, was a doozy. It may not sound too big or scary, but you have to realize who's writing this. I'm taking a finance class right now that's kicking my butt like none other and I've already bombed one test, and today I just found out I bombed the second one which means it's going to be interresting to see if it's even possible for me to pass this class. The final thing that kind of got me was that I have a friend who's going through a tough time, and in my attempts to encourage them, my sasiness ended up getting the best of me and discouraging them. Like I said it doesn't sound too too bad, but I kind of have reached the point where I just want to cry. Needless to say, I know that God's taking care of me and refining me and I just have to trust in Him and His promises, but I won't lie, this is a tough one.

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