Sunday, November 18, 2007

Equation for the "flesh"

So last night I realized that truly how much we give into the flesh is directly proportional to the time (quantity as well as quality) you spend alone with God. My quiet times had been lacking for a couple of days as school, sleeping through alarms, and studying for a Bible study kind of took away from spending my much needed time with my Father. One of my biggest downfalls is my anger and not taming my tongue, and if I'm not careful it can come out in full force. Last night was one of those nights, I realized that I was saying not just my typical "sassy" remarks, but things that were hurtful in some ways. It's those times that I get a glimpse at what I would be like if Jesus hadn't grabbed a hold of me. I guess the moral of the story for me is it was a sobering thought knowing that my quiet times are not just between me and my Father, but also have an effect on others and a reminder of how important and precious they truly are....

Needless to say, I learned my lesson and spent that time with Him today.

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