Sunday, July 20, 2008

Montana Trip 2.1

Ok, so it's day 2 and right now I'm in the office of Fresh Life church listening to the worship coming up through the floor from down stairs. I went to the early service and have been able to see almost everyone, but they all were just super busy tying to get everything ready for service. It's so crazy seeing all the people who I grew up with spiritually to see them thriving in a new place with a whole new group of people. The town is so cute, definitely not what I was expecting but then again I haven't even been in Montana 12 hours. So far though the people here are super nice and super laid back. I have no clue what all I'll do while I'm here but I'm just glad I get to see everyone one last time.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Kelli O'Hea, I love you! Have fun in Montana!

I might see you when you come back to New Mexico for a while... Keep it on the Dl though.