Tuesday, February 12, 2008

one of my skeletons

Ok, so today in the SUB I saw one of my "skeletons" from my past. I have to admit it was really hard. It was a guy who I used to like, and I know it sounds pathetic but all of the feelings of hurt and rejection kind of came flooding back to me. I look at him now and remember the girl I was, the one who over analyzed every little thing and had this romanticized view of how everything would turn out. I know that since then I have still made some of those mistakes but I was much more naive back then and I have deffinitely learned from that experience. I see him now and see what he is like and I thank God for how His mighty hand worked in stearing me away from that situation, but I do have to admit it still does bring a pit to my stomach.

1 comment:

Tori said...

It will never go away, sorry sweets! Rejection hurts even if you'd never ask for him now.