Tonight I had an opportunity to go to a concert featuring the Myriad, Phil Wickham, and yes David Crowder. I have been looking forward to this concert for the past 9 months, and I must say that I was not disappointed. But this is not meant to be a review of a concert. Phil Wickham had a couple of songs that honestly brought me to my knees and tears to my eyes, it wasn't about the sound of the music, but merely the magnitude of gaining a new perspective of how much my Savior loves me. The song True Love paints a vivid picture of what it was like the day that Jesus died. I think the power of this song was magnified because I just read about when Jesus died on the cross in my quiet time. I think that sometimes we (I) forget the power and total meaning of what He did for me 2,000 years ago. This song truly hit me and I think we all need a genuine wake up call along with realizing the amazing love God has for us and the price He paid for us. The song is on my myspace if you want to hear it, or shoot, get it on iTunes, because it really should be one we should all have.
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