Friday, December 29, 2006

Define: Adore

Let me preface this, by saying that I've been reading the book of Acts and it's funny how no matter how many times you read something, God always seems to show you something new. Well, today I was reading in the first part of Acts 18 and in verse 7 it identifies this man, Titus, as "a worhsiper or God". Now I have a NASB Key Word Study Bible and so I'm able to look up what the word means in the original Greek and so I looked up the word "worhsiper" and it means "to adore" I thought that was already pretty awesome, but then after googling "adore" it came up as "love intensely". That pretty much shook me to my very core. We sing songs time and time again about how we adore God, but do we really know what it means to adore Him? Do we truthfuly and honestly love Him intensely? I just cannot even begin to wrap my mind around all that that entails. Our God is so big, and He loves us so much, He loves us even more than we could ever comprehend, and yet I know at least for me, I can have issues truthfully saying that I "love Him intensely". I ask/beg of you today to truly look into the depths of your heart the next time you say you adore Him realize the magnitude of that word and then look at your life and see if it reflects that adoration or intense love you have for your Maker.

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